Clock mRNA Expression in Rescuing and Non-rescuing Lines
Total RNA was isolated from the hypothalamic tissue of different BAC transgenic and control mice for Northern blot hybridization. Total RNA (25 μg) was hybridized with 32P-labeled 51-base oligonucleotide complementary to 18S ribosomal RNA (C). RNA loading differs across the lines, as can be seen with the 18S ribosomal probe; however, the critical pairwise comparisons between non-transgenic (−) and transgenic (+) mice within each line can still be made. The BAC 54 transgenic lines TG14, TG36, and TG55 showed increased levels of Clock mRNA expression in transgene-positive mice, whereas the 100 kb BAC 54 line (TG97) and the BAC 52 line (TG121) showed similar levels of Clock mRNA between non-transgenic and transgenic mice. In this experiment, increased expression of Clock mRNA was not apparent in the BAC 54 line TG60 due to the low copy number of the transgene. Transgenic mice from the TG55 line also expressed a novel 2.4 kb transcript.