Effects of 96-h TNF-α treatment on NF-κB signaling and myoblast-to-myotube fusion using AGE28 vs. AGE64 donor myoblasts in differentiation media. A: IκBα: trend toward main effect of donor age, P = 0.053. B: phospho-NF-κB p65: main treatment effect, P < 0.001. C: NF-κB p105: trend toward main treatment effect, P = 0.06. D: fusion index: main effects of donor age (P < 0.005) and treatment (P < 0.05). Post hoc results in all panels: *Different from control within donor age, P < 0.05. †Different from AGE28 at respective TNF-α treatment dose, P < 0.05. Trend toward main effect of donor age, P = 0.053. Values are means + SE.