PMC21 |
N. meningitidis, serogroup C |
Expresses wild-type NhhAPMC21
This study |
¢3 |
N.meningitidis, derived from MC58, acapsulate (ΔsiaD::erm), Opa - variant |
Expresses wild-type levels NhhAMC58
2A |
N.meningitidis, ¢3 derivative, nhhA::kan
NhhA expression abolished |
¢3 derivative, lgtA::kan
Expresses wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
7G2 |
N.meningitidis, ¢3lgtA derivative LOS phenotype fixed L8 |
Expresses wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
This study |
P6 |
7G2 derivative, porA replaced by nhhAPMC21
Over-expression of NhhAPMC21, wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
This study |
P6ΔOpcA |
P6 derivative. Δopc
Over-expression of NhhAPMC21, wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
This study |
PΔ5 |
7G2 derivative, porA replaced by nhhABgl
Over-expression of NhhABgl, (Bgl II deletion) wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
This study |
PΔ5ΔOpcA |
PΔ5 derivative, Δopc
Over-expression of NhhABgl, (Bgl II deletion) wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
This study |
PSO1 |
7G2 derivative, porA replaced by nhhASO1
Over-expression of NhhASO1, (splice-overlap deletion) wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
This study |
PSO1.17A |
PSO1 derivative, Δopc::tet
Over-expression of NhhASO1, (splice-overlap deletion) wild-type levels of NhhAMC58
This study |
pC014K |
porA gene with kanamycin resistance gene cloned downstream |
pIP52(PMC21) |
nhhAPMC21 cloned into pC014K |
This study |
pIP52(PMC21Bgl) |
pIP52(PMC21) derivative: BglII deletion of nhhAPMC21
This study |
pIPSO1 |
Splice overlap deletion of nhhAPMC21 cloned into pC014K |
This study |
pBE501 |
Plasmid contains opc gene |
pIP14 |
opc deletion plasmid: HindIII/StyI digest of pBE501 |
This study |
pOpcTet |
pBE501 derivative, opc::tetM
This study |
pT7lgtAG7 |
This study |
pMJ1b11 |
Contains lgtABE locus |