Odors Evoke Responses in All αβ Neuron Subsets
(A) The four odors used in conditioning evoke a robust increase in GCaMP5 fluorescence in αβs and αβc neurons and a decrease in αβp neurons of naive flies. Time courses of odor-evoked GCaMP5 responses (ΔF/F) collected at the level of the tip of the MB α-lobe represented by the panels shown in (B). Responses from individual flies are shown as light traces and the average responses from all flies in bold traces. The αβc and αβs KCs were activated by all odors, whereas αβp KCs were inhibited by all odors used in this study. n = 4–5.
(B) Anatomical segregation and distribution of odor-evoked responses. Pseudocolored activity maps of odor responses overlaid on grayscale images of baseline fluorescence. The four odors used elicit different patterns of activation in each KC subgroup. Scale bar represents 5 μm. See also Figure S5.