Fig. 4.
Analysis of cortical layer formation in newborn NEX-Pten mice. Brain sections obtained from P0 wild type (WT) and homozygous (Hom) NEX-Pten littermates were processed for immunofluorescence using Reln (a and b) or Tbr1 (c and d) antibodies. A pregnant dam was injected with BrdU to label newly generated neurons at embryonic day 15.5. Brain sections were processed for immunofluorescence using BrdU and Cux1 antibodies (e–h). Confocal images show predominant expression of Reln in the marginal zone, and Tbr1 in deep layers of the caudal cerebral cortex in both genotypes. BrdU (red) and Cux1 (green) labeling was predominant in upper layers of the cerebral cortex in both genotypes. Scale bars = 100 µm (a and b), 200 µm(c and d), and 50 µm (e–h).