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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 9.
Published in final edited form as: Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2009 Jun;9(5):481–499. doi: 10.2174/187152009788451833


Current status of new SERMs

Drug Name Category (Structure) Effects Preclinical Results Clinical Status

Toremifene Tamoxifen-like Breast cancer treatment Fewer genotoxic effects than tamoxifen [113], bone effects similar to tamoxifen [119] FDA approved for metastatic breast cancer
Heart protection Phase II trial (65 women) better than tamoxifen regulating lipid metabolism [121, 122]
Mastalgia treatment Phase II trials (62 and 195 women) effective [126, 127]
Prostate cancer prevention Phase II trial (514 men) decreases prostate cancer incidence [128]
Relieve side effects of androgen deprivation therapy Phase III trial (1,389 men) improves lipid profiles [130]
Phase III trial (1,392 men) increases bone mineral density [129]

Ospemifene Tamoxifen-like Vaginal atrophy treatment Estrogenic effects on vaginal epithelium that is not observed with tamoxifen or raloxifene [134136] Phase III trial (826 women) relieves vaginal dryness
Osteoporosis treatment Phase II trial (118 women): Comparable to or slightly better than raloxifene [139]
Phase III trial planned (detail not available)
Breast cancer prevention Inhibits tumor growth in animal models as effective as tamoxifen [140, 141] Not available

GW5638 (DPC974) & GW7604 Tamoxifen-like Breast cancer treatment (2nd line therapy) Works as a SERM and as a SERD [148], effective in tamoxifen-resistant tumors [144, 145]; functions as an ER agonist in bone and cardiovascular system but an antagonist in breast and endometrium [142] Phase I trial (9 patients who failed first-line hormone therapy) low toxicity [ASCO meeting 2002, abstract 452]

Arzoxifene (LY353381) Raloxifene-like Breast cancer treatment Antiestrogenic in breast and endometrium, estrogenic in bone and lipids [150] Phase III trial (200 patients) inferior to tamoxifen [154]
Breast cancer prevention Effective to prevent ER-positive and ER-negative mammary tumors especially in combination with LG100268 [140, 155] Phase I trials (50 and 76 women) low toxicity and favorable biomarker profile [156]

Lasofoxifene (CP-336156, Fablyn) Raloxifene-like Osteoporosis treatment and prevention Higher potency than tamoxifen and raloxifene [158]; higher oral bioavailability than raloxifene [160] Phase III trial (1,907 women) significantly increases bone mineral density compared to placebo, no endometrial effects, no association with thromboembolic disorder [159]
Phase III trial to compare with raloxifene (CORAL trial, details not available)
Vaginal atrophy treatment Phase III trail (445 patients) improves vaginal atrophy compared to placebo
Breast cancer treatment and prevention Effects similar to tamoxifen to prevent and treat NMU-induced mammary tumor in rats [163] Phase III trial (PEARL trial with 8,556 women), reduces ER-positive breast cancer incidence compared to placebo; slightly decreases major coronary disease risk; reduces vertebral and non-vertebral fractures; increases risks of venous thromboembolic events but not stroke; no endometrial effects [SABCS 2008, abstract 11]
Heart disease prevention

Pipendoxifene (ERA-923) Raloxifene-like Breast cancer treatment Inhibits tamoxifen-sensitive and -resistant tumors in mice and rats no uterotrophic activities compared to raloxifene [167] Phase II trial to treat tamoxifen-refractory breast cancer in postmenopausal women (details not available)

Bazedoxifene (TSE-424 WAY-140424) Raloxifene-like Osteoporosis treatment and prevention Increases bone density with little uterine or vasomotor effects Phase III trial (7,492 women) reduces vertebral and non-vertebral fracture incidences, while raloxifene is not effective against non-vertebral fracture [171]
Phase III trial (497 women) reduces endometrial thickness, unique property among known SERMs [170]
Breast cancer prevention Inhibits estrogen-stimulated breast cancer cells growth [169] Not available

Acolbifene (EM-652, SCH57068) & EM-800 (SCH57050) Raloxifene-like Breast cancer treatment (2nd line therapy) Highest affinity for ER, inhibit growth of multiple breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo [180] Phase III trial, less effective than anastrozole to treat tamoxifen-resistance breast cancer, study halted [182]
Breast cancer treatment (1st line therapy) Phase III trial planned [182]
Breast cancer prevention Phase II trial (started in February, 2009) for premenopausal women

CHF4227 Raloxifene-like Breast cancer and osteoporosis prevention Prevents DMBA-induced mammary tumors and preserves bone mass in rats [184, 185]; Phase I trials (24 and 56 women) beneficial on bone markers and lipid metabolism; no effects on endometrium; not causing hot flashes

SP500263 Raloxifene-like Breast cancer and osteoporosis treatment Inhibits breast cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo without stimulating uterine weight gain [188, 189], protects bone in vitro [190] Not available

HMR3339 Steroidal Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease prevention Better than raloxifene to protect cancellous bones [191] Phase II trials (96 and 118 and 94 women) better than raloxifene at improving some beneficial cardiovascular markers [192194]

PSK3471 Steroidal Osteoporosis and breast cancer prevention and treatment Prevents bone loss in vivo, inhibits growth of breast cancer cells in vivo [197] Not available

Trilostane (Modrenal) ER subtype-selective Breast cancer treatment Increases estradiol binding to ERβ, increases ERβ expression, partially inhibits estrogen production [214, 215] Approved in UK to treat advanced postmenopausal breast cancer after relapse to initial hormone therapy
Phase III trial (714 women with advanced breast cancer) effective for both ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer, effective for endocrine therapy-resistant cancer
Phase II trial for use in premenopausal breast cancer (details not available)
Prostate cancer treatment Phase II trial with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (details not available)

TAS-108 (SR16234) Steroidal, ER subtype-selective Breast cancer treatment and prevention Inhibits growth of tamoxifen- and AI-sensitive and resistant cancer cells in vitro and in vivo; inhibits DMBA-induced tumor growth in rats [216] Phase I trials (16 and 15 women) effective and well tolerated [218, 219]
Phase II trails (145 and 97 postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer) beneficial effects, well tolerated [SABCS, 2008, abstract 2131 and 2132]