Figure 4. miR-22 transgenic mice develop primary hematological diseases.
(A and B) miR-22 transgenic mice develop MDS-like hematological syndromes. Representative smears of peripheral blood of 8 months-old mice after pIpC administration are shown (A). Representative images of dysplastic erythroid cells (poikilocytosis, A; polychromasia, B-i arrowhead), dysplastic platelets (giant platelet, B-i arrow, B-vii), dysplastic neutrophils (hypersegmented neutrophils, B-ii-iv arrows; a pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly, B-v and vi) and dysplastic blasts (B-viii arrows) in miR-22 transgenic mice are also shown. Scale bars, 50 μm (A) and 10 μm (B).
(C) c-Kitpos immature blasts are increased in miR-22 transgenic mice. Representative flow cytometry data (left) and mean percentages ± S.D. of c-Kitpos cells in Linneg compartment (right) are shown (n=3).
(D) Disease free survival of miR-22F/+;Mx1-Cre mice (n=26) and littermate controls (n=13).
(E and F) Representative lethal hematological syndromes observed in miR-22 transgenic mice. Representative images of spleens (E, left) and H&E staining (E, right) are shown. Scale bars, 100 μm. Representative smears of peripheral blood of miR-22 transgenic mice (6 months old) with increased myeloid blasts (F) are also shown. Scale bars, 20 μm.
(G) Pie charts representing the disease spectrum in miR-22F/+;Mx1-Cre mice at the indicated ages (n=26). MPN, myeloproliferative neoplasm. All error bars indicate ± S.D.
“see also Figure S3”.