Topology of the duplication. (A) Genomic structure surrounding the Rdl locus in reference single-copy strains. (B) Duplication structure in Ral-317, -318, and -378. The 5′ duplication breakpoint occurs within intron 7 of nwk, the gene directly upstream of Rdl; 113 kb of sequence is duplicated, ending in intron 1 of Glu-RIB. Five genes are completely duplicated (Table S2), and the 3′ portion of nwk and 5′ portion of Glu-RIB are partially duplicated. Between the partial Glu-RIB and nwk segments remains a Roo TE, as indicated by LTRs and long PCR products (Fig. S3). The region surrounding the Roo TE is shown in greater detail, indicating position of primer binding sites (Table S3).