Fig. 4.
A tagged form of Tsl functions in developmental timing but not in terminal patterning. The developmental delay (A) and reduced size (B) of tslΔ homozygotes was rescued by the HA:tsl construct (P < 0.001 for delay, P < 0.01 for female size, and P < 0.05 for males all compared with tslΔ). HA:tsl does not rescue the tsl maternal null terminal phenotype (C). Note that structures posterior to abdominal segment 8, including the filzkorper (arrowhead), are absent in larval cuticles, and posterior tll expression is absent in early embryos from HA:tsl, tslΔ mothers. Pupariation times are means representative of n = 8 or greater with at least 65 individuals scored for each genotype. Means for adult weight are calculated from n = 6 or greater with no fewer the 24 flies weighed for each genotype. Error bars represent ±1 SEM for all graphs. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05 from two-tailed t tests in all cases.