Pulsed HDX (Left) and Western blotting (Right) results for three peptic peptides from Aβ42. Aggregation was done at 25 °C and in the absence (solid triangles, circles, and diamonds) or presence of Cu2+ (hollow triangles, circles, and diamonds). Peptic peptides 1–19 (A), 20–35 (B), and 36–42 (C) are represented by triangles, circles, and diamonds, respectively. Dashed lines are fits using “linear fit” in OriginPro 8.5. Solid lines are fits using a modified F–W model in Mathcad. Native gel and Western blotting of the aggregated Aβ42 samples (incubated at 25 °C for 48 h), in the absence (lane 1) or presence of Cu2+ (lane 2).