Boxed areas in Nissl-stained coronal sections through the adult brain
depict regions of PRPL/PLmice labeled for
β-gal activity in the panels to the right.
(A–L) More PR+ cells in the female AVPV/POA, VMHvl, and arcuate
(M–X) More PR+ cells in the male basal forebrain, BNSTmpm, and
(Y) Representation of sexually dimorphic PR expression in different
brain regions as projected on to a mid-sagittal section. c, caudal, d, dorsal,
r, rostral, v, ventral.
Scale bars = 50 µm (C, K) and 100 µm (G, O, S, W). Inset
scale bars = 25 µm.
Mean ± SEM; n ≥ 4/sex; *p < 0.04, **p <
See also Figure
S2 and Table