FIG. 4.
LPS treatment causes inflammation. A, B Whole-mounted semicircular canal ampullae, utricle, and saccule double labeled for F4/80 (green) and GS-IB4 (red) in the control (A) and LPS-treated groups (B). The scale bar is 100 μm. C, D F4/80-positive macrophage population in whole-mounted semicircular canal ampullae, utricle, and saccule is significantly increased with LPS treatment [C, n = 5, P (control vs LPS treatment/posterior ampullae) = 0.015; P (control vs LPS treatment/utricle) = 0.004; P (control vs LPS treatment/saccule) = 0.025]. The identified PVM/Ms do not show the same level of cell number response to LPS as macrophages (D, n = 5, P (control vs LPS treatment in all regions) > 0.05).