Figure 2. PrPC Interacts with mGluR5.
A Aβo (250 nM) binding to COS7 cells expressing mGluR5, PrPC, or co-expressing mGluR5 with PrPC (upper). Protein expression was confirmed by immunofluorescence (bottom). Scale bar, 50 μm.
B Dose-response for Aβo binding to COS7 cells from experiments as in A. Mean±sem, n=3 experiments.
C HEK293T cells were transfected with vector for either mGluR5 or PrPC, or co-transfected for mGluR5 and PrPC. After treatment with 0 or 1 μM Aβo for 1 h, lysates (input) and anti-PrPC immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted with either anti-mGluR5 or anti-PrPC.
D HEK293T cells were transfected with vector for PrPC or co-transfected with different Myc-tagged mGluRs and PrPC, as indicated. Lysates (input) and anti-Myc immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted with either anti-Myc or anti-PrPC antibodies.
E Indicated fractions (20 μg protein) were prepared and analyzed by immunoblot with anti-PrPC, anti-mGluR5, anti-EphB2, anti-PSD95, anti-synaptophysin, and anti-actin antibodies.
F Brain lysates from WT or Prnp −/− mice were cross-linked with the cleavable DTSSP. Whole lysates (5% Input) and anti-PrPC immunoprecipitates were immunoblotted with anti-mGluR5, anti-mGluR8, anti-NR2B, anti-GluR1 or anti-PrP antibodies. Asterisk, Ig light chain.
G His-tagged human PrPC was incubated with DIV21 WT or Grm5 −/− neurons for 1 h. Neurons were then fixed and stained with human-specific anti-PrPC antibody and Alexa-568 secondary antibody with rhodamine-phalloidin as counterstain. Scale bar, 10 μm.
H Quantification of His-PrPC bound to WT or Grm5 −/− neurons. His-PrPC immunofluorescence was measured by ImageJ in segments of primary dendrites 10 μm from the soma and background-subtracted. Mean±sem, n=3 embryos for each genotype.***, P<0.001; Student’s two-tailed t test.
See also Fig. S2.