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Table 3. Family history of normotensive, pre-hypertensive and hypertensive study participants (n = 1498). (Chi-squared test).

Family history Status Normotension
p* Hypertension
Obesity Present   24   40 0.28 36 0.73
Absent   21   45 34
Chronic renal diseases Present   22   45 0.93 34 0.92
Absent   21   45 34
Diabetes mellitus Present   24   44 0.10 32 0.04
Absent   21   45 35
Ischemic heart diseases Present   22   42 0.61 36 0.73
Absent   21   45 34
Hypertension Present   20   42 0.74 38 0.07
Absent   22   47 32
Dyslipidemia Present   26   46 0.39 29 0.10
Absent   21   45 35
Premature cardiovascular death Present   16   42 0.44 42 0.10
Absent   22   45 34

Values are expressed as percentage; p* for comparison between pre-hypertensive and normotensive groups; P** for comparison between pre-hypertensive and hypertensive groups; p-value <0.05.