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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 10.
Published in final edited form as: B E J Econom Anal Policy. 2011 Jul 28;11(1):2938. doi: 10.2202/1935-1682.2938

Table 4.

Regression models of intermediate factors nine months after birth

Mode of child care at 9 months
(4) Duration of breast feeding (months) (5) < 4 well baby visits (binary) (6) CES-D Maternal depression score (z-score) (7) NCATS Maternal parenting score (z-score)
(1) Parent only (2) Center-based (3) Non-center based
State leave law × Worked before birth −0.045* (0.025) [−0.096, 0.005] −0.000 (0.017) [−0.033, 0.033] 0.046* (0.027) [−0.008, 0.100] 0.183 (0.211) [−0.236, 0.601] −0.042** (0.019) [−0.080, −0.004] 0.102 (0.062) [−0.022, 0.215] −0.057 (0.080) [−0.216, 0.102]
Work exemption × Single mother 0.075** (0.033) [0.010, 0.140] 0.008 (0.024) [−0.039, 0.056] −0.084*** (0.027) [−0.138, −0.029] −0.305 (0.253) [−0.807, 0.198] 0.006 (0.024) [−0.042, 0.054] −0.018 (0.103) [−0.223, 0.187] −0.098 (0.076) [−0.249, 0.053]
CCDF spending × No parent with HS −0.030* (0.015) [−0.061, 0.001] 0.028* (0.016) [−0.003, 0.059] 0.002 (0.019) [−0.035, 0.040] 0.117 (0.172) [−0.225, 0.459] −0.008 (0.018) [−0.044, 0.027] 0.010 (0.071) [−0.131, 0.152] 0.059 (0.044) [−0.029, 0.147]
R-squared 0.160 0.059 0.120 0.259 0.052 0.110 0.153
Mean [SD] of dep var 0.498 0.085 0.418 3.603 [3.593] 0.130 −0.005 [1.003] 0.023 [0.999]

Notes: Weighted estimates. Standard errors clustered for complex sampling design in parentheses. 95% confidence intervals in square brackets.






p<.1. All regressions include state dummies, main effects of eligibility criteria (worked before birth, single mother and no parent with a high school diploma), plus the controls listed in the note of Table 2. Samples are limited to those children participating in the preschool (age 4) survey wave. Sample size is 8900 in columns (1) through (3) and 8800, 8850, 7900 and 7300 in columns (4) through (7).

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