(A) Nucleotide sequence of SmMYB39 with amino acid translation. R2 and R3 repeats are highlighted in blue and orange, respectively. (B) Amino acid alignment of SmMYB39 with known R2R3-MYB regulators of phenylpropanes metabolism from other species. R2 and R3 repeats are underlined. The boxed sequences are the potential functional motifs. (C) Phylogenetic tree of SmMYB39 and known R2R3 MYB transcription factors from other plant species. Accession numbers of the proteins in the GenBank database are as follows: ZmMYB42 (NP_001106009.1, Zea mays), TaMYB4 (AEG64799.1, Triticum aestivum), PvMYB4d (AEM17351.1, Panicum virgatum), ZmMYB31 (NP_001105949.1, Zea mays), TaMYB29 (AEV91152.1, Triticum aestivum), EoP1 (ADL18407.1, Eremochloa ophiuroides), GhMYB9 (AAK19619.1, Gossypium hirsutum), GmMYBZ2 (NP_001235092.1, Glycine max), EgMYB1 (CAE09058.1, Eucalyptus gunnii), PttMYB4a (CAD98762.1, Populus tremula × Populus tremuloides), HlMYB7 (CCC14990.1, Humulus lupulus), VvMYB4b (ACN94269.1, Vitis vinifera), SsMYB2 (ABP57083.1, Solenostemon scutellarioides), THM27 (NP_001233975.1, Solanum lycopersicum), PhMYB4 (ADX33331.1, Petunia × hybrida), TfMYB6 (AAS19480.1, Tradescantia fluminensis), PgMYB5 (ABQ51221.1, Picea glauca), AtMYB4 (NP_195574.1, Arabidopsis thaliana), MdMYB16 (ADL36756.1, Malus × domestica), PaMYBR (ADY15315.1, Prunus avium).