Figure 1. Decreased TrkB expression increases disease severity in less potent immunization conditions.
Female trkB+/− and age- and gender-matched female wild type littermates (trkB+/+) were immunized with MOG35-55(200μg)/CFA containing M. Tbc (1mg/ml or 5mg/ml)/PT(200X2 ng or 300X2 ng) using two immunization protocols resulting in mild (A) or severe (C) disease induction in trkB+/+ mice. Mice were scored daily for 48 days. Each line represents disease course for an individual mouse. There is increased disease incidence and disease severity in trkB+/− mice compared to trkB+/+ mice with the less potent immunization conditions (Figures 1A-1B). However, there is no difference in disease severity between the trkB+/− and trkB+/+ mice with the more potent immunization conditions (Figures 1C-1D).