Figure 4. GA treatment reduces disease severity and blunts both BDNF and NRG1 induction.
C57BL/6 mice were immunized with MOG35-55(200 μg)/CFA containing M. Tbc (1mg/ml)/PT(200X2 ng), and were scored daily for EAE with GA treated and untreated groups. GA suppression: GA i.p started together with disease induction (8 daily injections). GA treatment: GA i.p started after the appearance of clinical symptoms (8 daily injections). RNA isolation and qPCR were performed at 35 days after immunization from individual brain samples as described in the Methods. Each bar represents an individual mouse with indicated clinical score and the fold change in mRNA expression of types I (B) and III NRG1 (C), BDNF (D) or GDNF (E) from GA suppression and GA treatment group versus the average of gene expression in untreated group (n=4 mice each group). Compared to untreated mice with EAE, type I NRG1 and BDNF expression was lower in mice treated with GA at disease onset.