Fig. 4.
The dfwi5 allele strongly interacts with the ahl locus. Variability of ABR thresholds in early generations of +/dfwi5 mice segregates with the presence of the Cdh23753A allele at the ahl locus. Mice negative for the Cdh23753A allele had the best sensitivity of +/dfwi5 animals (open squares, n=14), while +/dfwi5 mice also heterozygous for the Cdh23753A allele have increased thresholds (half-filled squares, n=11) and one +/dfwi5 mouse homozygous for the Cdh23753A allele had severely elevated thresholds (filled squares, n=1). Average thresholds of wild-type littermates (black inverted triangles) are shown for reference. ^ Indicates no threshold was detectable at this frequency; statistics were calculated for this point as if the threshold was the highest presented intensity. Error bars represent SEM. *p<0.05 and ***p<0.001 in a Bonferroni post-hoc test following a two-way ANOVA relative to +/dfwi5 animals with one less copy of the Cdh23753A allele.