Fig. 1.
Phylogenetic tree of the ompA genes of Rickettsia phylotypes G021 and G022 in Ixodes pacificus. Other selected sequences on the phylogenetic tree of the ompA gene are Rickettsia sp. CAFOP07-3 (EU544297.1), I. scapularis endosymbiont (AB002268.1), R. aeschlimannii (DQ379981.1), R. massiliae (DQ212707.1), R. rhipicephali (EU109177.1), R. australis (AF149108.1), R. montanensis (AF045223.1), R. sibirica (AABW01000001.1), R. rickettsii (AY319293.1), R. slovaca (EU622810.1), R. honei (AF018075.1), R. africae (EU622980.1), R. parkeri (EU715288.1), R. heilongjiangii (AF179362.2), R. conorii (U43794.1), R. felis (AY727036.1), R. japonica (U83442.1), and R. akari (L01461.1). The tree is inferred from the comparison of ompA sequences by the neighbor-joining method using PHYLO_WIN. The numbers at nodes are the bootstrap values obtained from 1000 replicates. Bootstrap values >50 are shown at the nodes. Bootstrap values determined by the neighbor-joining method and maximum-parsimony are shown above the line and below the line, respectively. Bar, nucleotide distance. The phylogenetic tree of rickettsial ompA genes was provided with permission of use by the journal of “Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases” (Phan et al., 2011).