Figure 5. (a–b) Structural order phase diagrams.
(a) Normalized bond-orientational order Q vs packing ratio φ, for all the simulated disordered packing (green squares) as well as for the fcc crystal (red cyrcle). (b) anomalous diffusion exponent α vs packing ratio φ. Values of α inferred by Monte Carlo simulations of solute diffusion in the fcc ordered systems (red circles) and in the disordered systems (green squares) reported in Fig. 4, are showed together with dNMR experimental values (yellow diamonds). dNMR experiments were carried on five samples with . Experimental error bars for the dNMR data were estimated by a fitting procedure employing a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Values of α were determined from the red line fits showed in Fig. 4 by using the definition of Eq. (3). In both (a) and (b), the planes are subdivided into colored regions, associated to the structural phases of the hard sphere systems. The rigidity percolation threshold (RPT) and the stress percolation threshold (SPT) are highlighted.