Figure 3.
Effect of naringenin on total glutathione sulphadryls (A), non-protein sulphadryls (B) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances levels (C) as well as catalase (D) and superoxide dismutase activities (E) in colonic tissue of rats with acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis (n = 6). Values are expressed as mean ± SE and analyzed using one way analysis of variance followed by Newman-Keuls post hoc test. bP < 0.01 control vs AA; cP < 0.05, dP < 0.01 AA vs NG25 + AA, NG50 + AA, NG100 + AA or MES + AA groups. T-GSH: Total glutathione sulphadryls; NP-SH: Non-protein sulphadryls; TBARS: Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; CAT: Catalase; SOD: Superoxide dismutase; AA: Acetic acid; UC: Ulcerative colitis; MES: Mesalazine; NG: Naringenin.