Figure 4. PL3 Loop Plays a Role in Slicing.
(A) Structure of hAgo1 with a modeled A–form duplex RNA. Domains of hAgo1 are colored as in Figure 1A. The PAZ domain and L1 linker are omitted for clarity. Let-7 miRNA is orange, the modeled guide RNA is red and target strand blue. The location of the scissile phosphate is indicated with scissors. The active site tetrad is shown as yellow sticks. The PL3 loop is highlighted green with important residues identified in this study shown as green sticks. (B) A close-up view of panel (A) but only the PIWI domain is shown. The PL2 and PL3 loops are indicated. (C) A–form RNA modeled in hAgo2 with the same layout as panel B. See also Figure S4.