Non-selective NOS inhibition or selective nNOS inhibition exacerbates clonidine-ethanol evoked behavioral impairment. Rotorod time courses (A), corresponding area under the curve (AUC, B), and LORR durations (C) are shown for groups pretreated i.c. with aCSF, 1 mg L-NAME, or 1 μg NPLA 90 min prior to i.v. injections of clonidine (60 μg/kg, Clon) + ethanol (1.5 g/kg, EtOH). The aCSF + saline + saline (Vehicle) and aCSF + Clon + EtOH groups are replotted from Fig. 1 for comparison. The number of animals per group is shown in parentheses (*, p<0.05). The aCSF and NPLA pretreated groups differed in rotorod time course trends (repeated measures ANOVA) as well as time points from 90-165 min (multiple one-way ANOVA's).