Figure 4. Choice test with OAIP-1.
Mortality of T. molitor larvae (mealworms) determined at 48 h after insects were simultaneously offered toxin-treated and untreated agar. The toxin concentration in the treated agar ranged from 1 mmol to 1 pmol, and the data represent the mean and SEM of three replicates of 10 individuals for each dose. The data correlate well with the oral toxicity of sOAIP-1 in a non-choice test (Fig. 3A); the mortality at the same dose in the choice test is approximately the same as that observed in the non-choice test. Mortality at all but the lowest two doses (10 and 1 pmol) was significantly greater than the untreated agar control (P<0.01). Columns represent the mean ±SD for three replicates of 10 insects for each dose.