Figure 3. Tumor growth rates are negligible in comparison to growth of infectious foci.
Kinetics of tumor growth. (A) Subcutaneous 5TGM1 or KAS 6/1 myeloma tumors were measured by serial caliper measurements following implantation in immunocompetent C57Bl6/KaLwRij or immunocompromised SCID mice respectively. Volume was calculated using the formula (l*h2/2). Tumor growth was fitted using the exponential growth equation Y = Y0e(kX), where tumor doubling time was approximately 3.2 and 5.3 days respectively. (B) Kinetics of intratumoral infectious foci expansion based on average infectious focus volume determined by the equation V = where d is the focus diameter (Fig. 1D). Focus expansion was fitted using the exponential growth equation Y = Y0e(kX), where focus doubling time was approximately 3.2 hours. (C) Exponential growth rate, doubling time and goodness of fit for approximated growth curves of tumor models and infectious focus expansion. (D) Comparison of infectious foci expansion rate and subcutaneous 5TGM1 of KAS 6/1 myeloma tumor growth rates relative to size of tumor at time of virotherapy administration.