At Metaphase, Spindles Are Angled Roughly in Parallel to the Plane of the Follicle Cell Epithelium
(A) Cumulative plot of spindle angles in the FCE at prometaphase (red line), metaphase (blue), and anaphase (dark blue). The spindle angles were measured relative to a line through the adherens junctions, which represents the plane of the epithelium, and were plotted in rank order from lowest to highest against the spindle angles along the x axis.
(B and C) Mitotic spindles at prometaphase (B) and metaphase (C). Sas4-GFP (red) marks the spindle poles, and α-phospho-Histone 3 (pH3; blue) marks mitotic cells.
(D) Mitotic spindles (green) in follicle cells orient below the level of the adherens junctions, which are marked by Armadillo (Drosophila β-catenin) in red.
(E and F) Metaphase spindles are not misoriented in apc1q8, apc2g10 (E), or arm3 (F) homozygous mutant clones, marked by the absence of GFP (green). Metaphase cells are outlined by white boxes.
(G) Metaphase spindles are normally oriented in single-layer mys11 clones (marked by the absence of RFP in green).
(H–J) Cumulative plots of spindle angles in apc1q8, apc2g10 (H), arm3 (I), and mys11 (J) mutant follicle cells.
See also Figure S1.