Figure 3.
Schematic of the model. The left box shows a switched “on-off” amplitude modulated (AM) generator that frequency hops between two frequencies and produces signal with a rectangular-wave envelope. The signal is fed to the DEP planar array, illustrated previously in Fig. 2(A). The action of DEP process (right box) involves squaring the electric field, effectively removing the radio frequency (RF) carrier by low pass filter (LPF), and the frequency dependence of the real part of the CM factor modulates the pulse amplitude, thus, filtering the signal to a baseband square-wave. The second pulse with amplitude one-half of the first pulse is for illustrative purposes and arises from the CM factor responding less with ω2 compared with ω1. The output shows nanoparticle transport represented as a series of active ultra-low pass filters (A-LPFs) quantified by the collection rates.