The MCU isogene. (A) Multiple alignment of the TM1, L1, and TM2 regions of MCU (red) and MCUb (green) in seven different species. Blue boxes show the two critical conserved substitutions. (B–D) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of HeLa cells and mouse tissues of MCU and MCUb. (B) MCU and MCUb relative expression in HeLa cells. (C) MCU and (D) MCUb relative expression in the indicated mouse tissues as described in Materials and methods. All values are normalized to the indicated housekeeping genes. (E) Immunolocalization of MCUb. HeLa cells were transfected with MCUb-6 × His and MCU-Flag. After 24 h, the cells were fixed and immunocytochemistry was performed with α-Flag, α-6 × His, and α-HSP60 antibodies followed by incubation with Alexa488-, Alexa555-, and Alexa647-conjugated secondary antibodies as described in Materials and methods. Confocal images were taken (scale bar: 10 μm), and a region is expanded to appreciate co-localization (scale bar: 1 μm).