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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 12.
Published in final edited form as: Obes Rev. 2012 Jun 11;13(10):835–847. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2012.01012.x

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics, intervention length and method of measuring body composition in each of the reviewed exercise interventions

Study Anthropometrics
Energy imbalance (kcal d−1) Prescribed exercise (kcal d−1) Δt (weeks) BC
Age (year) Weight (kg) BMI (kg m−2) %FM
Bouchard et al. (13) 13 UWW
 Males (n = 14) 21 82 26 25 −501 −580
Ross et al. (15,16) 14 MRI
 Females (n = 17) 43 87 32 48 −641 −517
 Males (n = 16) 45 101 32 33 −701 −700
Bingham et al. (17) 9 TBK
 Females (n = 3) 27 57 22 28 −21
 Males (n = 3) 32 60 20 15 −263
* Woo lean mild (18) 3 UWW
 Females (n = 5) 37 55 21 28 172 −171
* Woo lean moderate (18) 3 UWW
 Females (n = 5) 37 55 21 28 30 −429
* Woo obese mild (19) 3 UWW
 Females (n = 6) 30 90 34 44 −127 −221
* Woo obese moderate (19) 3 UWW
 Females (n = 6) 30 90 34 44 −511 −555
Westerterp et al. (4) 44 TC
 Females (n = 11) 32 63 22 30 −83
 Males (n = 12) 37 70 22 22 −140
Sopko et al. (20) 12 BD
 Males (n = 4) 19–44 81 27 −288 −500
Gredigan low intensity (21) 12 UWW
 Females (n = 6) 31 69 21 31 −281 −300
Gredigan high intensity (21) 12 UWW
 Females (n = 8) 31 6,802 21 31 −267 −300
STRRIDE low amount moderate intensity (3) 32 SF
 Females (n = 13) 57 76 29 39 −44 −151
 Males (n = 11) 53 95 30 30 −98 −189
STRRIDE low amount vigorous intensity (3) 32 SF
 Females (n = 16) 57 76 29 37 −80 −153
 Males (n = 22) 53 95 30 30 −98 −189
STRRIDE vigorous intensity (3) 32 SF
 Females (n = 17) 54 75 28 39 −150 −248
 Males (n = 22) 51 96 30 31 −161 −346
Goran et al. (22) 8 Siri-4
 Females (n = 6) 64 68 25 35 −159 −150
 Males (n = 5) 69 74 24 26 −114 −150
 Females (n = 52) 51 82 31 43 −64 −215
 Males (n = 14) 51 93 29 32 −39 −215
Després et al. (23) 56 UWW
 Females (n = 13) 39 90 35 47 −102 −350
DREW low dose (14) 24 SF
 Females (n = 131) 58 86 31 32 −44 −48
DREW moderate dose (14) 24 SF
 Females (n = 85) 57 83 32 35 −37 −91
DREW high dose (14) 24 SF
 Females (n = 93) 56 83 31 35 −14 −123
Donnelly et al. (25) 64 UWW
 Females (n = 25) 24 77 29 36 −2 −286
 Males (n = 16) 22 94 30 29 −104 −286

Intervention was separated into three phases each lasting a period of 19 d; sedentary, mild dose of exercise and moderate dose of exercise.

Magnitude of energy imbalance resulting from each intervention calculated from mean changed body energy stores: 1,020ΔFFMΔt+9,500ΔFMΔt. If prescribed energy expenditures from exercise were not directly reported, we determined this amount by multiplying the reported exercise intensity by the duration of each session. We then averaged the amount over the length of the intervention to arrive at a prescribed energy expended through exercise. The total oxygen consumed during exercise was converted to energy cost by multiplying each litre of VO2 by 5 kcal. Duration of the trial represented by Δt and BC-labelled column denotes body composition method (BD, body density; DXA, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; SF, skin-fold; Siri-4, Siri-four compartment model; TBK, total body K; TC, three-compartment model based on body weight, body volume, body density; UWW, underwater weighing).