Table 3.
Details of Patients With Colonic Carcinoma
Case No. | Site of Operation | Pathologic Report | Tumor Staging | No. of Lymph Nodes Removed, Positive/Total |
1 | Cecum | Right colon resection: moderately differentiated invasive adenocarcinoma of the cecum arising in the tubulovillous adenoma. The tumor extends deeply into but not entirely through the muscularis propria. Free margins. | T2N1 | 2/18 |
2 | Sigmoid colon | Sigmoid colon, segmental resection: moderately differentiated colonic adenocarcinoma invades just through the muscularis propria, with a micrometastasis to 1 of the 17 mesenteric lymph nodes. The margins of resection are uninvolved. | T3N1 | 1/17 |
3 | Ascending colon | Right colonic adenocarcinoma: high-grade carcinoma with poorly differentiated sessile fungating tumor; tumor invades the submucosa and the muscularis propria but does not break though the structure and does not involve pericolonic adipose tissue. | T2N0 | 0/18 |
4 | Terminal ileum, cecum, ascending colon | Sessile tubular adenocarcinoma of the colon, conventional type, moderately differentiated. Four other separate small tubular adenomatous colonic polyps were identified in the specimen. Twenty-eight regional mesenteric lymph nodes were examined and found to be tumor free. | T1N0 | 0/28 |