Mean LPPs from centro-parietal sensors evoked by super-ordinate categories (unpleasant, UNP; neutral, NEU; pleasant, PLE, and cigarette, CIG) as well as semantic contents in smokers and never-smokers. Unpleasant contents: mutilations (MUT; high emotional arousal), sad (SAD; low emotional arousal; e.g., grief, disease), and objects (UNPo; e.g., pollution, accidents). Pleasant contents: erotic couples (ERO; high emotional arousal), romantic couples (ROM; low emotional arousal), and objects (PLEo; e.g., food, landscapes). Neutral contents: people (NEUp) and objects (NEUo; e.g., household objects). Cigarette-related contents: people smoking (CIGp) and cigarette-related objects (CIGo; e.g., ashtrays, cigarettes). Smokers compared to never-smokers had higher LPP amplitudes to PLE and CIG categories as well as ERO and CIGo semantic categories. Note: * = p < 0.05.