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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 12.
Published in final edited form as: Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Aug 16;1818(8):2030–2047. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2011.08.015

Table 2.

Features of mutations in Cx43 associated with ODDD

Mutation Functional assay (transfected cell lines unless noted) Localization in mammalian cells (transfected cell lines unless noted) Neurologic phenotype References

Explicit statement of no neurologic manifestations
S5C 9 YO “no mental retardation or brain wave abnormality.” [201] [201]

L11P 13 YO, de novo mutation. [202]
No neuro. findings. [202]

S18P GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished) No neuro. findings. [152] [152] originally described in [203, 204];

V41A 11 YO, neuro. exam nl. [205]

Q49K Low homotypic coupling and minimal dominant negative effect on endogenous Cx43 mediated NRK cell coupling. [185] GJ-like plaques. [185] (S. Scherer, unpublished) No neuro. findings. [152] [152] originally described in [206];

F52dup No junctional homotypic coupling. [189] ER staining pattern [189] Very reduced puncta. [188] Normal localization (basolateral) in MDCK cells. [186] No neuro. findings. [152] [152] originally described in [207];
No dye transfer by scrape load or hemichannel activity by dye uptake. [188] Endosomal. (S. Scherer, unpublished)

P59H No neuro. findings. [208]

R76H Affected child has homozygous mutation; parents are heterozygotes; no neuro. findings. [209].

V96E 12 YO with de novo mutation in; no neuro. findings. [157]

Y98C GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished) No neuro. findings. [152] [152] originally described in [206, 210];

H194P Normal hemichannel activity. No neurobiotin transfer [193] GJ-like plaques and cytopasmic. [187] No syndactyly or spastic paraplegia. [156, 211] [211]

R202H No homotypic coupling. [189] GJ-like plaques (S. Scherer, unpublished) No neuro. findings. [152] [152, 212, 213]
Low coupling and dominant negative effect on endogenous Cx43 mediated NRK coupling. [185] No plaques, some overlap with ER marker. [189]
Few plaques partial intracellular retention. [185]

C260fs Decreased endogenous plaques when expressed in NRK cells; decreased coupling and dominant negative effect on WT Cx43 in transfected cells [192] ER retained [192] Neurologically normal [214] [214]

Y230fs No neuro. or eye problems. [156, 215] [215]

A253V Polymorphism [152]

Neurologic manifestations not mentioned
G2V Nothing stated. [216]

L7V Nothing stated. [156]

G22R Nothing stated. [156]

S27P Nothing stated. [212]

I31M Nothing stated. [212]

E48K Nothing stated. [217]

Q49dup Nothing stated. [156]

N55D Nothing stated. [156]

Q58H Nothing stated. [156]

P59A Nothing stated. [156]

P59H Nothing stated. [219]

S69Y Nothing stated. [212]

H74L Nothing stated. [156]

V85M Nothing stated. [213]

V96M Nothing stated. [220]

E110D Nothing stated. [221]

I131M Increased hemichannel activity. GJ-like plaques and cytopasmic. [187] Nothing stated. [212]
No neurobiotin transfer.[187]

G138D Nothing stated. [213]

G138S Nothing stated. [156, 213]

G143S Increased hemichannel activity. GJ-like plaques and cytopasmic. [187] Nothing stated. [212]
No neurobiotin transfer. [193]

G143D Nothing stated. [213] [156]

K144E Nothing stated. [156]

V145G Nothing stated. [156]

M147T Sporadic case; nothing stated. [221]

R148Q Nothing stated. [212] originslly described in [222]

R148G Nothing stated. [156]

F169del Nothing stated. [221]

P193L Nothing stated. [156]

S201F Nothing stated. [156]

S201Y Nothing stated. [213]

Explicit description of neurologic manifestations
G2fs G2fs+R101x; severe CNS phenotype, psychomotor regression onset age 10, seizures; massive calcifications, hypomyelination, and atrophy on CT/MRI. [173] [173]

D3N Decreased coupling in patient fibroblasts. [169] Partial localiztion in Golgi (but also some WT in golgi distribution) in patient fibroblasts. [169] Neurogenic bladder, UMN. [169] [156, 213] [169]

Y17S No junctional coupling. [189] GJ-like plaques. (reduced nos.) [188] “Neuro. deficits were prominent.” [206] UMN, ur. inc. [156] [152] originally described in [206, 223]
No dye transfer by scrape load or hemichnnel activity by dye uptake. [188] GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished)

G21R No homotypic junctional coupling. [189] [190] No dye transfer by scrape load or hemichnnel activity by dye uptake. [188] GJ-like plaques. (reduced numbers) [189] [188, 190] No neuro. symptoms but patient is a 2 YO with a sporadic mutation. [152] UMN. [156] [152]
Dominant negative effect on endogenous 43 in NRK cells [190] and Hela and N2a cells. [224]

G22E GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished) “Neuro. Symptoms.” [152] [152] originally described in [225]

K23T GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished) “Neuro. Symptoms.” [152] UMN, MRI WMC, tremor. [156] [152] originally described in [155]

R33x 2 siblings homozygous for this mutation; speech delay, UMN, grossly abnormal grey/white matter differentiation on head CT. [180] [180, 181]

A40V No homotypic coupling. [189] GJ-like plaques. (reduced numbers) [188, 189] No neuro. symptoms but patient is a 2 YO with a sporadic mutation. [152] gait difficulty, ur. urgency [156] [152, 212, 221]
No dye transfer by scrape load or hemichnnel activity by dye uptake.[188] GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished)

Q49P Ur. inc. [156]

R76S GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished) “Neuological deficits were prominent” [206] Epilepsy [152] MRI WMC [156] [152] originally described in [226]

L90V Coupling very low, single channel conductance normal. [189] Low junctional conductance and dominant negative effect on endogenous Cx43 mediated NRK coupling. [185] GJ-like plaques. (reduced nos.) [188, 189] “Neuro. deficits were prominent” [206] [152] originally described in [206, 227, 228]
Disrupted localization (partial apical) in MDCK cells. [186 Epilepsy. [152]
GJ-like plaques. [185] Ur. inc. and spastic paraplegia (9/9 patients) [156, 227]
GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished)
No dye transfer by scrape load or hemichnnel activity by dye uptake. [188]

H95R Ur. inc. and spasticity [166] MRI WMC [156] [166]

V96A MRI WMC. [156] originally described in [162]

R101x Compound hetrozygote G2fs+R101x; See G2fs above. [173]

K102N GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished) Neurologic symptoms. [152] ur. and bowel inc. [156] [152]

L106P Spasticity, ur. inc. [156]

L113P Spastic paraparesis. [157] UMN, MRI WMC and low signal in grey matter c/w iron deposition.[153] [157, 212, 229] originally in [153]
Others note no neurologic findings [229]

I130T Markedly decreased coupling; single channel size normal. [189, 191] GJ-like plaques. [191] Spastic para- or tetraparesis; epilepsy, ur Inc. MRI cerebellum/midbrain atrophy or hypoplasia [167] [152, 167]
No dye transfer by scrape load or hemichannel activity by dye uptake. [188] GJ-like plaques (very reduced). [189]
GJ-like plaques (slightly reduced). [188]

K134E Markedly decreased or absent coupling; reduced single channel size (54 pS) [191] Reduced coupling. [189] GJ-like plaques. [191] “Neurologic symptoms.” [152] UMN, MRI WMC. [156] [152]
GJ-like plaques (very reduced). [189]

K134N Reduced coupling.[189] GJ-like plaques (very reduced). [189] UMN. [156] [212] probably described previously[230]

G138R No homotypic,coupling, shifted Gj-Vj relation in hetrotypic with Cx43-EGFP. GJ-like plaques. [191] 4 generations 1 and 2: no neurologic findings. 3 and 4: spastic bladder paraparesis, square wave jerks and intention tremor presented 2nd to 4th decade. documented WMC on MRI [168] UMN, ur. inc., MRI WMC. [156] [152] originally described in [168, 206]
Increased hemichannel activity no neurobiotin transfer[193] [187] GJ-like plaques and cytopasmic. [187]
No homotypic coupling. [190, 191] Dominant negative effect on endogenous Cx43 in NRK cells [190] and Hela and N2a cells. [224]

T154A Mild psychomotor delay and WMC on MRI scan. [231] Gait abnl, UMN, ur. inc., MRI WMC. [156] [156, 231]

T154N Spastic paraparesis, inc., tremor. [157] [157]

V216L Decreased coupling in patient fibroblasts. [169] Partial overlap with Golgi marker (but also some WT in Golgi distribution) in patient fibroblasts. [169] Spasticity, WMC on MRI.[172] [152, 169] originally described in [172, 206]
No conductance and dominant negative effect on endogenous Cx43 mediated NRK coupling. [185] Few GJ-like plaques partial intracellular retention [185] Gastrointestinal hypomotility, neurogenic bladder, lost ambulation at age 54; hyperreflexia, spasticity. [169]
GJ-like plaques. (S. Scherer, unpublished) UMN, MRI WMC ur. and bowel inc. [156]

S220Y Developmental and language disorder. [157] [157]

No identified mutation
? Spasticity. [158]

? Severe spasticity. [159]

? Spastic tetraparesis. [160]

? Spastic paraparesis, nystagmus. [161]

? Spastic paraparesis and decreased signal c/w iron deposition in globus pallidus on MRI. [232]

? 21 YO F spastic paraparesis MRI WMC and low signal in grey matter c/w iron deposition. [164]

? MRI diffuse WMC, Abnl low signal in globus pallidus, substantia nigra without calcification on CT c/w iron deposition. [165]

WMC- white matter changes, typically increase signal on T2 weighted imaging. c/w-consistent with. GJ-gap junction. YO-years old. abnl-abnormal. nl-normal. h/o-history of. Gj-Vj – normalized conductance-voltage relation. UMN-spasticity/hyperreflexia. ur inc-urinary incontinence. neuro-neurological.