Figure 4. Principal Component Analysis relative to toxin composition.
Loading (top) and score (bottom) plots of the principal components 1 and 2 of the venoms from Bothrops atrox (ATR), Bothrops jararacussu (JSU), Bothropoides jararaca (JAR), Bothropoides neuwiedi (NEU), Rhinocerophis alternatus (ALT) and Rhinocerophis cotiara (COT) according to their protein composition including as variables the normalized maximal mAU at 214 nm in defined elution intervals of C-18 reverse-phase chromatography (Panel A), or the normalized total spectral counts of each protein group, as evaluated by shotgun mass spectrometry (Panel B). The Principal Component Analysis was based on the covariance matrix and all calculations were carried out in the software Minitab 16.