ire-1 deficiency alters DAF-28::GFP localization. (A–D) Representative fluorescence micrographs (original magnification, 100×) of day-3 wild-type, ire-1(ok799), atf-6(ok551) and pek-1(ok275) adults harboring an integrated DAF-28::GFP transgene. Blue arrows point to the ASI/ASJ neurons and red arrows indicate the hind gut. Wide white arrows point to coelomocytes, which are shown at high magnification in (A′–D′; fluorescence images) and (A′′–D′′; Nomarski images) (E) Quantification of fluorescence in ASI/ASJ neurons of the different strains, normalized to wild-type fluorescence levels. *P<0.0001 (Student's t-test). Similar results were obtained in two additional independent experiments. (F) Percentage of worms of the different genetic backgrounds in which fluorescent coelomocytes were detected. n, the number of animals analyzed. See supplementary material Fig. S2 for confocal images of DAF-28::GFP within the producing cells of wild-type animals and of ire-1, atf-6 or pek-1 mutants.