Table 3.
HarmoKnee warm-up training program. Exercises in the structured warm-up program.
Exercise | Duration |
Warm-up Jogging (≥4-6 min), Backward jogging on the toes (Approximately 1min), High-knee skipping (Approximately 30 s), Defensive pressure technique (Approximately 30 s), One and one (≥ 2min) |
≥ 10 min |
Muscle activation Activation of calf muscles, quadriceps muscles, hamstring muscles, hip flexor muscles, groin muscles, hip and lower back muscles (6 items, each item 4s for each leg/side) |
Approximately 2 min |
Balance Forward and backward double leg jumps, Lateral single leg jumps, Forward and backward single leg jumps, Double leg jump with or without ball (optional), (4 items each item Approximately 30s) |
Approximately 2 min |
Strength Walking lunges in place, Hamstring curl (in pairs), Single-knee squat with toe raises (3 items each item Approximately 1 min) |
Approximately 4 min |
Core stability Sit-ups, Plank on elbows and toes, Bridging (3 items each item Approximately 1 min) |
Approximately 3 min |