Knowledge items
Knowledge item (accurate response) |
The flu is a serious disease (T) |
Most of the people who die from the flu are younger than 65 (F) |
More people die from HIV/AIDS each year than from the flu (F) |
The flu shot can give someone the flu (F) |
The flu shot contains a live virus (F) |
The flu shot can protect people against the flu (T) |
The flu virus changes every year (T) |
Getting the flu shot is a person's best protection against the flu (T) |
The side effects of the flu shot are worse than the flu (F) |
Someone might have a sore arm after getting the flu shot (T) |
People my age are at risk for getting the flu (T) |
Only people 65 and older should get the flu shot (F) |
The flu is spread through the air (T) |
October and November are the best times to get the flu shot (T)* |
People can get the flu shot in December or later (T) |
Note that as of the time of the study (September 2009 – March 2010), the CDC recommended that the best time to get the flu shot was in October or November.