Figure 2. mCherry-SpoIIQ localizes in the wake of GFP-SpoIIP.
Double labeling of mCherry-SpoIIQ and GFP-SpoIIP in sporulating cells (BCR188) imaged at hour 2 of sporulation. (A) Representative fields showing mCherry-SpoIIQ, GFP-SpoIIP, a merged image of the two fluorescent fusion proteins and a merged image including the membranes stained with TMA-DPH. (B) Larger images highlighting examples where mCherry-SpoIIQ and GFP-SpoIIP do not completely overlap. Schematic representations of mCherry-SpoIIQ (red), GFP-SpoIIP (green) and membranes (blue) are shown below. Scale bar is 2 μm. We note that mCherry-SpoIIQ localization is slightly delayed compared to GFP-SpoIIQ. We attribute this lag to the maturation times of the mCherry compared to GFP (Cormack et al., 1996, Shaner et al., 2005, Merzlyak et al., 2007). Fig. S2B contains additional representative examples of cells from the same experiment.