The Thpok locus is schematically represented (not on scale). The two transcription start sites, defined by alternate exons 1a and 1b, are shown as arrows and exons as black boxes; thick areas depict coding regions in exons 2 and 3. Boxes (top) indicate the distal regulatory element (DRE, including the silencer), the general T lymphoid element (GTE), the proximal enhancer (PE), and a Gata3 binding site, using the same color code as in Fig. 2. Binding areas of repressors (Runx molecules, Mazr and Bcl11b) and activators (Gata3) are schematically depicted. While the DRE is depicted as including distinct activating (green) and silencing (red) elements, it is not clear whether these activities are physically separated [19, 22, 23]. Note that Runx molecules also bind the proximal enhancer [22], although it is not know whether that binding serves an activating or repressive function. In CD4-lineage cells, which express Thpok, Thpok molecules bind the silencer [15].