Phylogenetic relationship of Pacific hagfish 3rdVLR and other agnathan VLR genes. The phylogenetic tree is constructed by the (A) maximum likelihood and (B) neighbor-joining methods using amino acid sequences of the diversity region that could be reliably aligned (LRRNT, LRR1, terminal LRRV, CP, and LRRCT). The tree is condensed at the 60% bootstrap value level. The bootstrap supports for interior branches are shown. GenBank accession numbers. of VLR sequences are: hagfish 3rdVLR, KF314046–KF314055; hagfish “VLRA”, ABB59089–ABB59098; hagfish VLRB, ABB59051–ABB59060; lamprey VLRA, ABO21293–ABO21302; lamprey VLRC, KC244100–KC244109; and lamprey VLRB, ABO15209–ABO15218.