Effects of PG, VN, and their combinations in HF diet-induced obese mice. The weight changes of control, HF diet, PG, VN, PG-VN combination, and slinti groups were measured for 16 weeks (a). The weight difference between the start weight and end weight of each group was measured to evaluate the weight gain (b). The white adipose tissue weights (c), total cholesterol (d), triglyceride (e), LDL-cholesterol (f), and HDL-cholesterol (g) of the mice were also measured. All values are mean ± SD. #
P < 0.05, significantly different from the Control; *P < 0.05, significantly different from the HF diet group. Con, standard laboratory diet group; HFD, high-fat diet group; PG, HF diet plus PG group; VN, HF diet plus VN group; 1 : 1, HF diet plus PG-VN 1 : 1 combination group; 9 : 1, HF diet plus PG-VN 9 : 1 combination group; Slinti, HF diet plus slinti group. PG, Panax ginseng; VN, Veratrum nigrum.