Figure 6. Average avidity of PPS14-specific IgG responses following immunization with different antigenic forms of PPS14 attached to latex beads.
The average avidity of PPS14-specific IgG in serum was estimated by elution with sodium thiocyanate (NaSCN). Mice were immunized at days 0 and 14 with different antigenic forms of PPS14 attached to ≈2×108 latex beads admixed with CpG-ODN or with 2×108 CFU of S. pneumoniae strain R6-14 in saline. Each latex bead dose contained 193±9 ng PspA and/or 230±26 ng PPS14 attached to beads in the form of PPS14-PspA conjugate (PPS14-PspA), as a combination of PPS14 and PspA individually attached to the bead (PPS14+[PspA]), or PPS14 alone (PPS14+[Gly]). Sera tested (n=15) were from three independent experiments. Data show the avidity index (AI), as the molar concentration of NaSCN eluting 50% of the total content of PPS14-specific IgG in the serum sample. *p < 0.05 (AI relative to the previous bleeding of each mouse group), #p < 0.05 (Each group relative to the responses to PPS14+[PspA] beads).