Micro-CT Analysis of the Arterial Vasculature Kidney of Neonatal Day 7 Kidney and in Heart, Hindlimb, and Kidney of Adult Nrp1cyto Mice and Wild-Type Littermates
(A–D) Representative reconstructed micro-CT images of day 7 neonatal kidney and the heart, hindlimb, and kidney of WT and Nrp1cyto mice at 16 μm resolution.
(E–I) Quantitative analysis of micro-CT images from Nrp1cyto (white bars) and WT (black bars) neonatal kidney and adult heart, hindlimb, and kidney shows a significant decrease in the total number of <100 μm diameter vessels (mean ± SEM, *p < 0.05).
See also Figures S1 and S2.