Preparation of the trifucosylated compound 27. Shown is the synthetic pathway toward
the formation of the trifucosylated core N-glycan 27
(left) and a comparison of the significant regions of the 1H NMR spectra
of the fucosylated N-glycans. Chemical shifts corresponding to annotated residues
A, B, C, and D are
highlighted in the relevant parts of the spectra. The NHAc chemical shifts are
those of the three (compounds 24 and 25) or two (26 and
27) GlcNAc residues, whereas those in the H-6 fucose region derive from the one
(24), two (25 and 26), or three (27) fucose
residues in each compound. Red triangles, fucose; yellow circles,
galactose; blue squares, N-acetylglucosamine; green
circles, mannose.