Figure 2.
Endothelial development in dHAND mutants. Whole-mount immunochemistry revealed that endothelial cells expressed PECAM-1 protein appropriately in wild-type (a) and mutant (b) E9.5 embryos, but displayed a disorganized pattern in dHAND mutants (b). The rostral portion of dHAND-null embryos was more severely affected than the caudal region, where the aorta (ao) and somitic arteries (arrowheads) were visible. Sagittal section of PECAM-1 antibody–stained wild-type (e) and mutant (f) embryos revealed disorganization of the dorsal aorta of dHAND-null embryos, where the aortic lumen was evident. Note patency of the aortic arch artery (aa) in the mutant (f). β-galactosidase activity in wild type (c) and mutant (d) embryos harboring lacZ under control of the Tie2 promoter revealed disorganization of lacZ expression in dHAND-null embryos compared with wild-type embryos. Transverse sections of wild-type (g) and mutant (h) embryos in the caudal region demonstrate the dilated nature of caudal vessels of dHAND-null embryos. ht, heart; as, aortic sac; h, head; nt, neural tube; fg, foregut.