Figure 1. Spatial and temporal molecular field of injury in early stage NSCLC patients after definitive surgery.
Schematic depicting the site- (top) and time- (bottom) dependent collection of airway epithelia brushings by bronchoscopy. Smoker early-stage NSCLC patients were enrolled into a surveillance clinical trial for annual follow-up and bronchoscopies within one year after definitive surgery. Bronchial airway epithelial cells (brushings and biopsies) were obtained from five to six different sites comprised of the main carina (MC), 4 airways from 4 lobes ipsilateral (NON-ADJ) or contralateral (CONTRA) to the originally resected tumor and of the bronchial stump or main stem bronchus adjacent to the tumor and lobe. All site-different airway epithelia were collected at the time of inclusion in the study and at 12, 24 and 36 months following the starting time point (391 airways from 19 NSCLC patients).