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Table 1.

Haplotype blocks in the murine genome associated with ADG and PNUM8

Trait Chr. Location P Value Size, kbp Haplotypes, n Effect Size Previous QTL* Genes*
ADG 1 71,678,828 1.83E-06 137.7 3 28 Apol7d, Fn1
1 93,063,713 1.09E-06 6.6 2 22 Bmd5 Rbm44
1 93,522,108 1.90E-06 21.7 2 21 Bmd5
1 93,935,237 1.90E-06 186.5 2 21 Bmd5 Hdac4
2 158,861,097 3.56E-07 0.1 2 37 Bglu1, Mob5, Prdt2, Scgq3 miR1902
6 147,990,373 1.58E-06 9 3 61 Far2
8 79,373,410 1.04E-06 64.9 4 45 Bmd39 Gm10649, Nr3c2
16 75,030,310 4.11E-07 55.6 3 42
19 16,273,854 2.21E-09 141.9 2 33 Gnaq
19 16,323,845 3.54E-07 272.9 2 28 Gnaq
PNUM8 1 36,965,390 1.33E-06 6.2 3 42 Idd26 Tmem131
2 94,183,967 2.57E-07 46.9 4 44 Mob5, Mohg1, PLast2b, T2dm2 sa, Tmc1m1 Ttc17
2 143,957,762 1.52E-07 72.8 3 39 Bglu1, Mob5, Plast2b, Prdt2, T2dm2sa
7 74,436,551 1.98E-06 144.7 3 38 Mef2a
8 79,373,410 5.79E-09 64.9 4 34 Bmd39 Gm10649, Nr3c2
9 59,194,226 2.67E-06 114 4 49 Alpq3, El4, Neogq1 Arih1, Bbs4
9 60,328,263 1.35E-06 9.9 3 46 Alpq3, El4, Neogq1 Thsd4
11 13,000,201 3.18E-07 163.1 3 19 Bmch5, W6q3
11 13,526,250 4.45E-10 215.4 5 39 Bmch5, W6q3
11 15,748,958 8.70E-10 115.7 3 27 Bmch5, W6q3
11 16,392,211 2.37E-06 53.9 2 21 Bmch5, W6q3 Sec61 g
11 16,509,601 2.33E-09 0.001 2 23 Bmch5, W6q3 Between Sec61 g, Egfr
11 100,111,136 1.14E-06 18.2 2 41 Cia40. Pregq2, Tmc1m2 Krt17, Krt42
19 16,323,845 1.24E-07 141.9 2 17 Gnaq
19 27,522,368 2.18E-06 28.9 3 40

From the Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Mouse Genome Informatics, The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME;

Calculated as the percent difference between the lowest and highest mean among the haplotypes.

ADG, average daily litter gain; PNUM8, day 8 postpartum.