Fig. 6.
Paired-pulse ratios (PPRs) for evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (eEPSCs) are not different between SOM-EGFP hilar interneurons from control and epileptic mice. A: representative traces from SOM-EGFP hilar interneurons in control and epileptic mice showing pairs of eEPSCs evoked with minimal (threshold) stimulation at a 50-ms interpulse interval. B: summary graph of PPRs for 20-, 50-, and 100-ms interpulse intervals. Number of cells indicated above (control, open symbols, dashed line) or below (epileptic, black, solid line) data points. No significant difference in PPR between control and epileptic neurons at any interpulse interval. PPR calculated as the peak amplitude of response 2/response 1. Number of mice: 3–4 control, 3–4 epileptic.