Summary, including clinically deployable markers and potential subtype-guided therapies for CRC. (a) Salient characteristics of the six CRC subtypes. Int, intermediate DFS; Either, either crypt top or base; NA, no clear association. (b) CRC subtype phenotypes correlated with colon-crypt location and Wnt signaling. (c) Summary of subtype-specific candidate biomarkers (CRCassigner-7) that were tested using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC), and (d) subtype guided therapeutic strategies suggested by the association studies. ZEB1 was not useful for qRT-PCR because ZEB1 is expressed both by fibroblast and tumor cells. The expression of ZEB1 specifically in tumor cells was evaluated using immunohistochemistry as in Figure 1c. TBD, to be determined.