Figure 7.
Macrophage-poor atherosclerotic lesions in ACAT1-deficient mice. Representative MOMA-2 immunostained aortic sections from ACAT1+/+LDLR–/– (a) and ACAT1–/–LDLR–/– (b) mice fed an atherogenic diet for 2 months and from ACAT+/+ApoE–/– (c) and ACAT–/–ApoE–/– (d and e) mice fed a Western diet for 3 months. Note the reduction in MOMA-2 staining in the more advanced lesions in ACAT1–/–LDLR–/– mice (b) and ACAT1–/–ApoE–/– mice (d). Staining was less reduced in the early, fatty-streak lesions of ACAT1–/–ApoE–/– mice (e).